To obtain access to LANTA, please follow the instructions below.
Step 1. Obtaining ThaiSC user account at , see >Read More< ThaiSC user account registration for instruction.
Step 2. For PI only, submitting a proposal for your project, see >Read More< Proposal submission for instruction.
Step 3. Joining a project.
Principal Investigator (PI) will automatically join the project.
(Team member TM) will get the invitation to join the project via email, please follow the instruction in the email to join the project, see >Read More< Joining a project for more detail.
Please note that, ThaiSC user account is NOT the LANTA HPC account. The LANTA account will be sent to you about 3 working days after you are a member of a project.The username of ThaiSC user account is the same as your username on LANTA, but your password will be used for this portal only.
4.) Payment Process
5.) Resource allocation
6.) Ongoing project
7.) Ending project
Note: Only Principal Investigator (PI) can submit project proposals.
For educational institutions, the principal investigator (PI) must be a faculty advisor.
For the private sector, the principal investigator (PI) must use the email address of the workplace to create the account.
For further questions or inquiries, please contact us at